Sunday, November 20, 2011
10 ways to improve your Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 ranking
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 just hit the market last week and people are already on their second and third prestige! So if you are just looking for some tips to gain some CoD experience, listen up!
1. Stop playing Team Deathmatch!
I know it is the most popular game type in MW3, and yes you receive 100 points per kill, but you're limited to how many kills you get. Team deathmatch usually ends up being a race to run and gun to get a decent 2000 point score.
2. Challenges are you friends!
Get addicted to them. Check your challenges after each match to see what you're close to accomplishing. Challenges will be the majority of the experience you earn throughout your journey to level 80. Pay attention to some of the harder challenges your unlock as your gain in level because a lot of these are worth a TON of experience.
3. Get 1000 weapon kills before switching!
Stick with one or two guns for the majority of your game play. I suggest using one gun until you master it because there is alot of experience you can unlock through specific gun challenges.
4. Switch up your attachments!
Building on number three, switch up your attachments on your guns because each attachment has its own individual challenge for every single gun.
5. Use Specialist Kill Streak!
Most people don't ever use this, but you should! There are challenges for just being rewarded with each perk, plus you can do all the perk challenges quickly this way! Let's not forget that this is the way to get the nuke also.
6. Stack up on Mountain Dew & Doritos!
As most of you already know, Mountain Dew and Doritios are giving away double XP on specially marked packages of their products. These can become extremely useful, especially instead of using your precious prestige tokens.
7. Assists Help!
Even if you know you won't be able to finish a guy off, take the shot! Assists can really add up in points!
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3,
Xbox 360
9:46 PM