Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Golden Axe Walkthrough
Since the release of the original Sega Genesis title, Golden Axe, is now avaialabile on the Xbox Live Marketplace, we figured we would release our guide for it. Please continue after the break to view the guide.
You will see an allie walk up to you and then get killed. Right behind him is
a clubber, here to duel you, so go ahead and take this guy out with no
problem. Now when you head to the next screen, a black guy with a mace will
come flying at you. Go ahead and put the whoopin on him too. Then another easy
clubber and a tougher mace person will approach you. This mace guy is a little
bit stronger and will take more hits to knock out, but not too many. Once you
destroy them both, continue to the next screen.
You will come up to a little elf fellar, small as can be, and hit him to
gather potions. Then a human will run past you followed by an easy clubber.
Take him out and continue. A girl on a purple sweeper will come down off the
cliff. This girl is purple chopper, she is pretty tough. Knock her off her
sweeper and take it from her and destroy her. You will then be approached by
two more hobbit guys after you go on. Then after you gather potions, you will
fight another club guy. Do not let him have your sweeper, because, he will be
tougher then.
You will now come up to a purple macer and then two clubers, which one is on a
sweeper. Right behind them are two huge giants with hammers. Do not get near
them yet, take out the macer and clubbers first. After you kill them all,
another clubber will come out and then the giants will come to attack. Now if
you have any potions, use them now, because these giants will take a few hits.
Now, my strategy is hit and run, so run up and hit one, then run hit the other
and back and forth. The will parish after a while. Don't get to close to these
guys or they will grab you and throw you.
You will get a bonus after each level:
This one contains:
1 Blue Hobbit
Okay, let's go. Head forward a little bit and a group of people will come by
screaming. Keep going and jump off the edge. Finally you will be approached by
a red clubber. This guy is pretty tough but work him down. Now head on to be
approached by a red macer. This guy is tougher than the clubber but fight him
to the death. Keep going and when you see a little shack, a red macer will
come from the left, and a red clubber will come from the right.
Another gruop of people will run by, and then a green chopper girl will be on
a dragon. Kill her and take her dragon, trust me, it will help you out. There
will also be a white clubber with her. Head to the next screen and a purple
chopper will come from the right and a green from the left. Head on now and
you will come up to another blue hobbit.
Now you will come up to a white clubber stepping on a woman's head with a
purple chopper and a green chopper beside him. Prepare to battle. Go ahead and
focus on taking out that clubber. He will attack you the most. Then take out
the purple chopper and then the green chopper. Two red choppers will
eventually come from the left, one will be on a dragon. Take the dragon
chopper out first and then the other one. Then a white skeleton will come up,
now I hate these things, because it takes so dang much to kill them.
This one contains:
1 Blue Hobbit
1 Green Hobbit
Right off the bat you will be attacked by a two clubbers, and one will be on a
purple dragon. Take them out quickly and continue. Then a brown macer on a
dragon will approach with a brown clubber. Take them out too. Then, a white
clubber, a red clubber, and a purple macer will come from the right. This will
be a good fight. Fight hard, you might even lose a life, but still continue
your journey.
You will eventually come up to a fence wall and a blue hobbit will jump down,
climb up and jump the gap from the turtle to the town. Now when you jump down,
you will see a big door, one huge green giant guy will come out and then
another a few seconds later. Do not use your potions on these guys, trust me.
Fight these guys hard. You will then be approached by two more blue hobbits.
Take the potions, you need them and keep heading forward.
You will see a brown macer, a silver clubber, and a brown clubber standing in
a circle. Now these guys are tough, and to make it even harder, a huge iron
giant comes out with a shield and sword out of the big door. So here, just use
all of you freaking potions. Take out the little guys first and try to get
behind the giant. Strike him whenever he is open, and if he looks like he is
gonna attack, MOVE! After you kill the little guys, another red macer will
come out, kill him and finish off the giant.
This one contains:
2 Blue Hobbits
2 Green Hobbits
Your at the second to last level now. Cool huh? Yeah anyways, watch the screen
now bro, your already getting attacked by a red maceman. Show him whose
boss/bosset around here. When you see a wooden platform, a red maceman and a
red clubber come charging at you. Whoop them, jump up the platform and
continue. You will now see some feathers and some weird ground. You are on an
eagle, with a graveyard in it. Weird huh?
This is the part I hate worse about the game, because skeletons take so long
to kill but head onto the eagle and a white skeleton will come out of the
ground. When you kill that one another will come out, kill him and jump onto
the next platform. Now another one will come out of the ground and then when
you kill him, a blue hobbit will come by.
When you get on the third platform, you wil be approached by a dark clubber
and a dark maceman, these are the hardest of any type, they are all black and
are tough. You may even want to use potions here if you have too because when
you kill them, your approached by another dark maceman and when you kill him
you must fight a dark clubber and two skeletons. You thought it was over? No
way, now you go a dark maceman again and then another skeleton.
This one contains:
1 Blue Hobbit(HES LOADED)
1 Green Hobbit
You are still on the bird, but your about to be in the castle. Go ahead and
kill that white skeleton that is already fighting you and when you head
forward, fight the other too. When you jump off the platform, you guessed it,
you must fight another white skeleton. Keep heading and you will see the face
of the eagle. Oh wow, his eye moves. Becareful here, this is the only part
where you can fall off in the game. Walk carefull across the platform.
When you get to the end of it, a purple chopper on a dragon will be waiting
for you, you can easily make her fall of the edge if you want. Now a red
maceman will approach you, this guy is nothing like you are about to face in a
little bit. Now two red clubbers, and a red maceman approach. Kill them and
then a red clubber will approach with a red iron giant guy. No this isnt the
boss, just a normal enemy haha. DO NOT USE YOUR POTIONS HERE! Just fight him
to the death. Take the clubber out and then another red iron giant approaches.
Once you get them slaughtered, head forward into the castle. Here is two
hobbits, you need these potions, and do not use them until I say. Your
approaching the final boss up here. The music and theme and enviroment has
changed to creepiness. Ready? Head forward! You will see a huge axe and bodies
of humans in the background. You will also see a red ironhammer giant, red
maceman, and a red clubber. Intestines rise into the helmet next to the huge
axe and the holder of the Golden Axe arises.
First take out all the little guys, that is a must do. Once you do, a white
skeleton will come out and fight, and heck you can blow your potions any time
you want now. Take out that skele, and then the giant, and then the boss. More
white skeletons approach, take these guys out. Now it's time for the boss. His
axe is super strong, so don't get hit by hit unless you got a lot of quarters.
When your afar he will do a fire blowing up thingy through the ground. The
only real strategy is hit and run, back and forth. Your gonna get hit no
matter what. So just fight him the best way you can. Potions really weaken him
Once he is dead, his axe goes flying into the air and into his heart,
destroying him forever....the king and queen are let down and released and now
you get to watch some cool video about the enemies running around in an
arcrade chasing little children. What an ending. You will now see your stength
and they will put you on the chart, my top strength is 134.0, can you beat it?
golden axe,
sega genesis,
xbox live marketplace
9:15 PM

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