Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 review

This was actually one of the first Tom Clancy title I've ever put more than just a few hours into. For some reason, when I had seen the original trailer for it, I knew this would be a game I would enjoy. After putting it hundreds of hours into RSV2, needless to say, I was hooked.

When you first start the game up, you get to design your own character, with the ability to use Xbox Vision to map your own face into the game. The character customization is incredible and very detailed. As you progress through your ranks, the more you can customize your character. You have over 100 different articles of clothing/armor to unlock, as well as plenty of weapons to choose from. Each set armor changes how your character moves by affecting his speed and agility. As you progress your rank, other options become available. Your "level" or "rank" carries throughout single player mode and multiplayer mode.

I find the story to be fairly decent in this game, though I've learned never expect too much from shooters. You command a squad of four throughout different scenarios based in the city of Las Vegas. As you continue throughout the story, you find yourself growing a bond with fellow team mates.

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 includes many modes to play on. First off, you have the single player campaign mode, in which you play a leader of your squad, and go through several missions of saving Vegas from the terrorists. You have the option of playing campaign mode by yourself, or with a friend through Xbox Live or on the same console. Second, you have the Terrorist Hunt mode. In this mode, you get to choose from several maps, and you (or you can have a friend through Xbox Live) get to go throughout the map, trying to clear all the terrorists without dying. You are able to choose the map, the difficulty, and how many enemies are on the map. Third, you have the multiplayer mode, in which is my personal favorite. On this mode, you can play up to 5 game types with up to 16 people all around the world. Your rank system from single player mode carries over here, so you still gain ranks as you kill people in this mode.

The graphics aren't the best of all the games out currently, but they still hold up pretty decent. At times, I have to change the brightness of my television, because certain parts of the levels are so dark. Occasionally, weapon and character graphics do not load up immediately, causing very undetailed characters at the start of matches.

Still to this day, Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is one of the best games I've yet to play on the Xbox 360. The multiplayer experience that the game delivers you is unlike no other, giving you the truly feeling of being a part of swat team.

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