Saturday, November 17, 2012
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron gets Double XP!
For those who have not leveled all their characters online in High Moon Studios', Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, now is your chance. Activision released a statement letting everyone know that they are giving out Double XP for an unset amount of time, and it started yesterday at 4PM. This is for their recent nomination for "Best Adaptation" award in the upcoming Spike TV Video Game Awards. I know I will be putting some hours into this title this week!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
A New Grand Theft Auto V Trailer
Rockstar released the second trailer to the game almost everyone's waiting for, Grand Theft Auto V, this morning, and it's already caused quite the hype. The trailer gives glimpses of several missions and other dialogue from the game. Grand Theft Auto V is set to release in the Spring of 2013, but if you need your GTA fix sooner than that, don't forget that Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is coming to iOS and Androids real soon.
And if you need more time out of your current Grand Theft Auto games, be sure to check into modding Grand Theft Auto 3 on your iPhone or Android.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Disney's Epic Mickey 2 Collector's Edition Revealed
Disney has released details on their upcoming title, Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two, and it's collector's edition. At the moment, this edition is only confirmed for Europe. The Epic Mickey 2: Collectors Edition will include:
- Exclusive Mickey or Oswald figurine
- Exclusive film cell from 1928 short "The Fox Chase"
- Exclusive retro TV packaging
- An 8GB Oswald USB drive w/ Disney content
Epic Micky 2: The Power of Two is set to release for the Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox 360, and Sony Playstation 3 on November 18th, 2012.
4:38 PM

Tomb Raider Special Editions Revealed
I have been a huge fan of the Tomb Raider franchise since I was a young teenager, and it's amazing how far the series has come. Square-Enix's new take on Lara Croft in the upcoming game, Tomb Raider, has gotten quite a few people hyped up about it's upcoming release. Square-Enix released pictures today of the collector edition and survival edition of Tomb Raider, which we have pictured below.
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North America Collector's Edition |
4:19 PM

Jet Set Radio Making It's Way to iOS, PSVita, and Android
I'm sure quite a few people remember the unique game, Jet Set Radio, which was created by Smilebit, and released in 2000 on Sega's Dreamcast. We were lucky enough to see the title revived, and receive a HD port on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 earlier this year. Sega, who published the game in 2000, has announced today that they are also releasing the port on the PSVita, iOS phones, and Android phones on November 29th. No word on the price tag yet for any of the systems, but we will fill you in as soon as we know.
Jet Set Radio - Xbox Live Marketplace
jet set radio,
Playstation 3,
ps vita,
xbox live
4:05 PM

Monday, November 12, 2012
Battlefield 3 Premium Players get Double XP
DICE announced this weekend, all Battlefield 3 users with a premium account will receive Double XP this week. This will make reaching Colonel rank much easier for you achievement hunters out there. Double XP has already started, and will continue until Monday at 10am. Grab your guns, and get to killing!
This must be an attempt to get everyone's minds off the monster release tonight of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.
Screenshots of Upcoming Family Guy Game
With the upcoming game based on the hit TV show, Family Guy, coming out real soon, Activision has released some new screenshots of Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse. Though I have read several mixed reviews on the game, I absolutely love the art style, since it compares so much to the TV show.
![]() |
Brian taking on Pirates |
Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse is set to release November 20th for North America and November 23rd for Europe. Read more to see more screenshots.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Sonic CD Coming to the Windows Phone
Around the same time, Sonic CD, was released for the Xbox Live Arcade, there were rumors and a couple screenshots of the game coming to Windows Phones. Over a year later, SEGA has announced that Sonic CD will be available for Windows 7 & 8 mobile devices on November 14th, 2012. No word on the price tag yet, but you can pick it up on the Xbox Live Marketplace for only 400 Microsoft points.
See screenshots after the jump.
sonic cd,
Sonic the Hedgehog,
windows phone,
xbox live marketplace
9:46 PM

Minecraft on the Xbox 360 to receive another patch
The top selling Xbox Live arcade game of all-time, Minecraft, will be receiving another new patch fairly soon. Last month, Minecraft players received a huge patch adding new modes to the game and fixing various issues, and now we can rejoice once again as another game changing patch is about to drop. A list of all the current fixes has been published:
Changes and Additions:
- Added an option to clear the quick select bar in the creative interface
- Added an option to enable or disable bedrock fog, and set to off by default
- Added an option to toggle the HUD off/on
- Added an option to turn the player hand off/on
- Added a crafting recipe for Golden Apples
- Added a crafting recipe for Pumpkin Seeds
- Made cakes stackable
- Added a How To Play page for Host and Player options
- Fix for a problem with signs in online games causing crashes
- Fix for save renaming deleting the wrong save due to input received during the confirmation flow
- Fix to the mob generation code to increase the number of animals in the world
- Fix for chests being incorrectly lit, and rotated for maps from previous versions
- Fix for problem with the eating animation being shown for players who weren’t eating
- Fix for problem with chest lids not behaving properly
- Fix for animals looking like they were taking damage when they shouldn’t
- Fix for some sounds not playing when the player has an empty hand
- Fix for lever sounds
- Fix for fence gate sounds
- Fix for splitscreen players sometimes having their settings zeroed
- Fix for being damaged while flying over lava
- Fix to stop lava, milk and water buckets being empty after use in creative mode
- Fix for Leader of the Pack achievement being awarded incorrectly
- Fix for leaderboard stats issue where value stored was incorrect
- Fix for hitbox problems with glass panes and iron fence
- Fix for small character display changing color to green
- Fix for map rendering incorrectly in some situations with clouds disabled
- Fix for block rendering problem at the edge of the map
- Fix for splitscreen players not being able to mine in the tutorial
- Fix for players not being able to sprint/sprint-fly in creative mode if the player was previously in survival mode with a low food bar
- Fix for arrow damage not being ignored when PvP is turned off
- Fix for activated pressure plates not working correctly
- Fix for the low food bar hint appearing when loading a game in creative mode (usually the tutorial world saves)
- Fix to remove the player shadow when the Invisible option in the Host Privileges is used
- Fix for Red Roses not being generated on the terrain
- Fix for paintings being pushed by pistons
- Fix so that players who can’t eat, due to the Trust Players option being off, do not get exhausted
- Fix for the interface disappearing after a Share to Facebook action
- Fix to limit the number of Slimes, Ghasts and Silverfish that can be spawned in a world
- Fix for the cursor position in creative mode being able to go offscreen
- Fix for players showing on maps when they should not be, after the player dies and respawns
- Fix for capes displaying wrongly when sprint-flying
- Fix for capes not displaying in the Nether
- Fix for capes not displaying when the player respawns
- Fix for tools taking damage in Creative Mode
- Fix so Bows don’t need or use up Arrows in Creative Mode
- Reduced the volume of the chest open/close sound effect
There is currently no set release date for the patch, but it should be coming soon. We will keep you updated.
Xbox 360,
Xbox 360 Arcade,
xbox live marketplace
9:11 PM

New "Super" Wii U Promotional Video
A new Japanese video from Nintendo, which is a 15 minutes promotional video for the new Wii U console, released today. It shows us many of the interesting Wii U concepts which makes it a very unique system. Check it out below.
upcoming releases,
wii u
11:01 AM

Sunday, October 28, 2012
Review: LEGO Batman 2 - DC Super Heros
This weekend I invested about twenty five hours into the newest installment of the LEGO series. LEGO Batman 2 is one of the first open world LEGO made yet, and is quite like it's original, LEGO Batman, but with much more content.
We are started off with Lex Luthor, who is Superman's arch-nemesis, is running for president, and has teamed up with the Joker to obtain what he wants. Since all of this is going down in Gotham City, Batman and Robin must save the day. They eventually realize that the Joker and Lex Luthor duo may just to be too difficult for them to handle alone. Luckily, the whole Justice League is here to help out.
The controls are just like all the other LEGO games out there. You can punch, switch between characters with a push of a button, and each character has their own unique special attack. With the simplicity of the game, you must use Batman and Robin's suit to use unique abilities catered to each suit, or use any of the other characters unique power. For instance, Superman can fly, use his ice breath, or even shoot laser beams out of his eyes, while the Green Lantern can use his own powers to build special green LEGO blocks which are unique to him.
The open world is quite large, especially for a LEGO game. You have the entire city of Gotham to explore, which is broken down to 3 parts. Apart from the open world, you have 15 mission levels to explore also. The entire world contains so much to do. There a total of 250 gold bricks to collect between the levels and the open world, 150 minikits to collect in the levels and with every 10 you get a special vehicle. You will have 50 citizens to save, and 20 red bricks to collect which will give you cheats to use to make the gameplay even easier for you.
LEGO Batman 2 is the first LEGO game to feature voice acting. You'll be able to experience the funny dialogue between Superman and Batman (who I believe is a little jealous), and you'll be greeted with a fully voiced newscast at the beginning of each level.
My personal favorite thing about the game is almost every single thing is destroyable, and gives you a chance to collect studs, which are the in-game currency. The game is full of replay-ability and is even better with a friend. Someone can join in through local co-op or by Xbox Live at any moment of the game. You will be able to run through the story mode under 10 hours, but collecting all the gold bricks, minikits, and saving citizens is gonna take another 15 hours. I highly suggest you give the game a try, no matter what your age is.
lego batman 2,
Xbox 360
4:14 PM

Xbox Live Marketplace Deal of the Week - Bioshock
11:25 AM

Monday, October 22, 2012
Borderlands 2 receives lots of fixes with new patch
Now I know most of the gaming community, like myself, have been pouring hours into Borderlands 2, considering there is so much to do, and so many areas to explore. Gearbox Software are really trying to keep their fan base happy. We received some fresh DLC last week, "Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty", which is the first campaign based DLC for Borderlands 2.
Gearbox Software released a patch today fixing a lot of smalls bugs and glitches that have been found in the game. There's nothing I enjoy more than seeing developers keeping their game up, and not ignoring the problems. On the other hand, I have really not experienced any kind of glitches in the game myself.
Here is the patch notes for the recent update:
• Fixed player first-person arms appearing too far up or down the screen when in horizontal/vertical split mode.
• Fixed players losing ammo when reloading a savegame with max ammo and a stockpile relic equipped.
• Fixed the vendor UI sometimes showing a count of 1 less item in the player's backpack than is actually there.
• Fixed fast travel stations from downloadable content sometimes disappearing when loading a saved game.
• Fixed players getting stuck in a white box when two people try to travel at once and one is in a vehicle.
• Allowed players to trade with each other when at maximum backpack capacity if they're trading the same number of items with each other.
• Fixed clients sometimes losing access to fast travel stations unlocked during co-op progression.
• Fixed the favorite/trash icons on inventory items sometimes disappearing when scrolling the inventory list.
• Added safeguards against the game getting stuck on a 'Saving...' prompt when a client with a splitscreen player saves and quits the game under specific rare circumstances.
• Fixed the "has abandoned your struggle!" message sometimes appearing with no player name.
• Fixed mini-map fog-of-war sometimes not uncovering correctly when first loading a saved game as a client.
• Fixed co-op players sometimes spawning at different places after a level transition.
• Fixed an error that could sometimes occur when trying to join a game where the host had recently returned from a downloadable content area.
• Fixed an error where clients would sometimes see certain weapons firing in incorrect directions.
• Fixed a blocker in the "Do No Harm" mission and repaired users already affected by the bug.
• Fixed an issue with savegames sometimes causing the game to stutter / freeze and repaired saves already affected by the bug.
• Made the user's inventory not jump to the top of the list when using a customization item.
• Fixed a bug with shields that reduce the player's maximum health not displaying the amount of health reduced on the item card.
• Fixed a bug where some challenges would sometimes re-complete levels 1 through 5 over and over again, granting the user additional ranks and tokens.
• Enemies affected by a Siren's Thoughtlock ability may now be damaged by other players.
• Fixed an issue where players could sometimes lose their third and fourth weapon slots. Characters who have already lost these slots will be repaired the next time they are loaded.
• Fixed an issue where players were sometimes unable to pick items up after another player had bulk-picked-up a nearby item.
• Fixed an issue where players could occasionally be unable to connect to one another if one of them had recently been in DLC that the other doesn't have.
The patch is ready and will automatically update to your system when you start up the game.
borderlands 2,
gearbox software,
Xbox 360
5:25 PM

DLC Trailer for Fruit Ninja Kinect appears
Get ready Fruit Ninja fans! Halfbrick Studios' Fruit Ninja Kinect seems it will be receiving another DLC pack in the future. A trailer was released showing what looks like a Halloween themed DLC for the very popular Xbox 360 Kinect game.
Fruit Ninja Kinect was released last year in August, and has created quite a fan base since then. You will be able to purchase the "Trick or Treat Bag" DLC on Wednesday, October 24th for 160 MSP (not bad, eh?) in the Xbox Live Marketplace.
Check out the trailer below...
5:07 PM

Tuesday, October 2, 2012
New Super Mario Bros 2 DLC is making it's way to your 3DS this Thursday!
Yesterday, Nintendo of America announced that New Super Mario Bros. 2 for the Nintendo 3DS, will be receiving it's first DLC for the game. You will be able to download 3 new Coin Packs, which are:
- The Gold Rush Pack ($2.50)
- Coin Challenge Pack A ($2.50)
- Nerve-Wrack Pack ($2.50)
new super mario bros 2.,
nintendo 3DS
1:38 PM

Sunday, September 23, 2012
Final Fantasy 3 will be available on PSP on Tuesday
Over at the Playstation Blog this week, they announced that Final Fantasy 3 will become available in the PSN catalog. PSP users will be available to download the 22-year old classic on September 25th, 2012. Be sure to stay updated on the latest Final Fantasy news.
final fantasy,
9:03 AM

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
The last DLC for Modern Warfare 3 will arrive October 10th on PS3 & PC
Infinity Ward, the creators of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, have announced via twitter that the final DLC, which includes five different maps, will be released on on October 10th on PS3 and PC. If you are an Xbox 360 player, this is the DLC you all received at the first of this month. The five maps are:
- Off Shore
- Gulch
- Decommission
- Parish
- Boardwalk
call of duty,
Playstation 3
10:23 AM

Sunday, September 16, 2012
Minecraft Gets Updated to 1.8.2 This Month with Pictures and Videos
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Chicken and Food |
Xbox 360,
xbox live marketplace
7:22 PM

Lego City Undercover Trailer revealed
You can also checkout some screenshots after the jump.
upcoming releases,
wii u
2:06 PM

Saturday, September 15, 2012
FIFA 13 demo hits almost 2 million downloads!
ea sports,
upcoming releases
1:31 AM

Friday, September 14, 2012
Nintendo announces Mass Effect 3 for the Wii U will include both DLC
Nintendo stated in their press release today that the upcoming title for the Nintendo Wii U, Mass Effect 3, will include both add-ons, From Ashes and Extended Cut. The downloadable content contains extra costumes for your characters, the Particle Rifle weapon, and an additional member to your squad, Javik. There is no current set release date for Mass Effect 3. We will continue to keep you updated as new information unfolds.
mass effect,
upcoming releases,
wii u
3:05 PM

Thursday, September 13, 2012
Nintendo Wii U's title launch list
Nintendo's next console, the Wii U, releases on November 18th, 2012. You will be able to purchase Nintendo's new console for $299.99. Nintendo has also released a list of their launching titles for the system up to March, check that out below.
Nintendo Wii U - Title Launch List
- NBA 2K13 (2K Sports)
- Jeft Tailfin (Maximum Games)
- Madden NFL 13 (EA)
- EA Sports FIFA Soccer 13 (EA)
- Mass Effect 3 (EA)
- Toki Tori 2 (two tribes)
- Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Capcom)
- ZombiU (Ubisoft)
- Just Dance 4 (Ubisoft)
- Avengers: Battle for Earth (Ubisoft)
- Rabbids Land (Ubisoft)
- Assassin's Creed 3 (Ubisoft)
- Rayman Legends (Ubisoft)
- Sports Connection (Ubisoft)
- Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013 (Ubisoft)
- Nano Assault Neo (Shin'En)
- Aliens: Colonial Marines (Sega)
- Sonic & Sega All-Stars: Racing Transformed (Sega)
- Trine 2: Director's Cut (Frozenbyte)
- Tank! Tank! Tank! (Namco)
- Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (Namco)
- Wheel of Fortune (THQ)
- Jeopardy (THQ)
- Darksiders 2 (THQ)
- Funky Barn (505 Games)
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (Activision)
- 007 Legends (Activision)
- Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013 (Activision)
- Wipeout 3 (Activision)
- Skylanders Giants (Activision)
- Rapala Pro Bass Fishing (Activision)
- Transformers Prime (Activision)
- Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two (Disney Interactive)
- Scribblenauts Unlimited (WB Games)
- Game Party Champions (WB Games)
- Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition (WB Games)
- Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (Gaijin Games)
- Ben 10: Omniverse (D3 Publisher)
- Rise of the Guardians: The Video Game (D3 Publisher)
- Family Party: 30 Great games Obstacle Arcade (D3 Publisher)
- Zumba Fitness (Majesco)
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii U (Nintendo)
- Game & Wario (Nintendo)
- Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge (Nintendo)
- Sing Party (Nintendo)
- Nintendo Land (Nintendo)
- Wii Fit U (Nintendo)
- The Wonderful 101 (Nintendo)
- Pikmin 3 (Nintendo)
upcoming releases,
wii u
12:38 PM

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
FIFA 13 demo is out today!
Capcom announces upcoming DLC for 'Resident Evil 6'
Capcom announced today, that they will be releasing exclusive DLC for the Xbox 360, for the future installment in the Resident Evil series, Resident Evil 6. The DLC will include three different playable game modes called Survivor, Siege and Predator.
Survivor mode takes an interesting twist on the classic solo and team-based versus matches. When you are killed as a human, you will respawn as an enemy character. As one of the enemies, you can kill two human characters to respawn back into one of the human characters.
In siege mode, players as human will be protecting a NPC character, while the opposing enemy team attempts to kill the NPC.
Predator assigns an enemy plays as the fearsome B.O.W., Ustanak, who tries to eliminate all human players. The game ends when Ustanak has killed all the remaining humans, or the humans kill Ustanak, or make it to the end safely.
Capcom also announced to keep looking forward to other future DLC including new maps for the add-on game modes. Resident Evil 6 is expected to release on October 2nd, 2012.
Playstation 3,
resident evil 6,
Xbox 360
11:55 AM

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 review
When you first start the game up, you get to design your own character, with the ability to use Xbox Vision to map your own face into the game. The character customization is incredible and very detailed. As you progress through your ranks, the more you can customize your character. You have over 100 different articles of clothing/armor to unlock, as well as plenty of weapons to choose from. Each set armor changes how your character moves by affecting his speed and agility. As you progress your rank, other options become available. Your "level" or "rank" carries throughout single player mode and multiplayer mode.
I find the story to be fairly decent in this game, though I've learned never expect too much from shooters. You command a squad of four throughout different scenarios based in the city of Las Vegas. As you continue throughout the story, you find yourself growing a bond with fellow team mates.
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 includes many modes to play on. First off, you have the single player campaign mode, in which you play a leader of your squad, and go through several missions of saving Vegas from the terrorists. You have the option of playing campaign mode by yourself, or with a friend through Xbox Live or on the same console. Second, you have the Terrorist Hunt mode. In this mode, you get to choose from several maps, and you (or you can have a friend through Xbox Live) get to go throughout the map, trying to clear all the terrorists without dying. You are able to choose the map, the difficulty, and how many enemies are on the map. Third, you have the multiplayer mode, in which is my personal favorite. On this mode, you can play up to 5 game types with up to 16 people all around the world. Your rank system from single player mode carries over here, so you still gain ranks as you kill people in this mode.
The graphics aren't the best of all the games out currently, but they still hold up pretty decent. At times, I have to change the brightness of my television, because certain parts of the levels are so dark. Occasionally, weapon and character graphics do not load up immediately, causing very undetailed characters at the start of matches.
Still to this day, Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is one of the best games I've yet to play on the Xbox 360. The multiplayer experience that the game delivers you is unlike no other, giving you the truly feeling of being a part of swat team.
rainbows six,
Xbox 360
12:33 AM

Monday, September 10, 2012
Steam sale alert: Hitman Collection
IO Interactive's Hitman collection will be on sale today on Steam. The collection contains these three titles:
- Hitman 2: Silent Assassian
- Hitman: Blood Money
- Hitman: Codename 47
You can pick up the whole bundle for only $6.24, or purchase each game individually for $2.49 (that's a 75% discount). You can purchase the Hitman collection at the Steam store. We should be able to look forward to another Hitman title in the making in the future.
io interactive,
11:53 PM

Wonderputt makes it's way to the iPad 2
Damp Gnat's hit browser game, Wonderputt, will now be available on the iPad 2 starting September 13th, 2012. Wonderputt will take use of the full retina display give you visually stunning graphics as you play your rounds of golf. The game also include full game center leaderboards to compete with other putters around the world. The app will cost you a hefty price of $1.00. We've included the Wonderputt iPad release trailer below. You can check out Damp Gnat's full press release here.
Be sure to keep an eye out for their next project, Icycle 2, which should be released later this year for the iPhone/
damp gnat,
flash games,
9:00 PM

Sunday, September 9, 2012
Official Borderlands 2 website releases character skill trees
Head on over to Borderlands 2 official website to check out the interactive skill trees they have set up. You can customize the skill tree of each character, and find out which build you're gonna enjoy the most. You have a total of four characters to choose from: Axton, Zero, Salvador and Maya.
Check out the Character Selection Screen to get started. Gearbox Software's Borderlands 2 releases September 18th, 2012 in the US.
Just a reminder, be sure not to miss our September Giveaway for your chance to win a copy of Halo 4.
borderlands 2,
gearbox software
11:56 AM

Saints Row 3 Season Pass is 50% off today announced today that the season pass for THQ's hit game, Saint's Row 3, is 50% off today. The season pass is already a discounted bundle of all the games DLC, but now you will be able to pick up the season pass for 800MSP ($10.00). Go check it out on the Xbox Live Marketplace.
The four DLCs included in the season pass as listed:
- Nyte Blade Pack
- Genki Bowl VII
- Gangstas in Space
- The Trouble with Clones
They also note to purchase the season pass through the in-game store, so you are not charged twice for your purchase. Check out our other posts about the Saint's Row series.
Saint's Row,
saint's row: the third,
season pass,
Xbox 360
10:40 AM

Saturday, September 8, 2012
Batman: Arkham City GOTYE makes it's way on Steam, and it's discounted!!
Most of us by now have played the absolutely stunning game, Batman: Arkham City, but for those who haven't yet, now is your chance. Rocksteady Studios has released the Game of the Year Edition of Batman: Arkham City on Steam, which includes an add-on DLC and tons of extras. Here is the list of the DLC included with the GOTY edition:
- Harley-Quinn's Revenge (which contains over two hours of new content)
- Catwoman pack
- Robin bundle pack
- Nightwing bundle pack
- Arkham City skins pack
- Challenge map pack
The best part about this release is that Steam will have it discounted 22% off until Tuesday. You can own the Batman: Arkham City Game of the Year Edition for only $23.99.
Just a reminder, be sure not to miss our September Giveaway for your chance to win a copy of Halo 4.
Just a reminder, be sure not to miss our September Giveaway for your chance to win a copy of Halo 4.
batman: arkham city,
rocksteady studios,
12:19 AM

Friday, September 7, 2012
'PES 2013' release date is revealed
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 will also be released on the Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii and the Sony PSP. No word on the USA release yet. Keep checking back for more information.
Nintendo DS,
nintendo wii,
Playstation 3,
pro evolution soccer,
sony psp,
Xbox 360
1:04 AM

Thursday, September 6, 2012
Super Crate Box on Steam for free
Banjo-Kazooie - Jiggy Guide
xbox live marketplace
11:16 AM

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
A reboot of Crash Team Racing images surface
Over at 247gamernews, they reported earlier of rumored images of "Crash Team Racing 2010" that had happen to appear on YouTube. It's rumored that the game may of been in development for the PSP, by a studio called High Impact Games, but later Activision trashed the project.
You can also view the rumored "leaked" beta video screenshots of CTR2010 below.
crash team racing,
9:36 PM

Golden Axe Walkthrough
Since the release of the original Sega Genesis title, Golden Axe, is now avaialabile on the Xbox Live Marketplace, we figured we would release our guide for it. Please continue after the break to view the guide.
golden axe,
sega genesis,
xbox live marketplace
9:15 PM

Super Mario 64 DS - Rabbit Locations
As many of you fellow Nintendo DS players know, some of those rabbits are hard to find throughout Super Mario 64 DS. We've composed a guide to help you find those pesky little rabbits. Check it out after the break.
Nintendo DS,
super mario 64 ds
9:06 PM

Battlefield 3 expansion pack "Armored Kill" launch trailer released
EA and DICE released a trailer for their upcoming expansion pack for Battlefield 3. Check out the trailer below:
armored kill,
Battlefield 3,
expansion packs,
xbox live marketplace
1:14 AM

September Giveaway!
This month we've decided to do a game giveaway, but to make this a little special, we are gonna ship Halo 4 for Xbox 360 to you as soon as it releases on November 6th. This will be a free giveaway, and since we are a site that is trying to grow a community, all we ask is to do a couple of supporting steps to enter the giveaway.
- Like us on Facebook!
- Follow @247GamingBlog
- Give us a SPONSOR CLICK. (if you do not like the link, you can always click our google adsense links above)
- Give us love on Reddit, and upvote this.
- Leave a comment below, with some way to contact you
The contest ends September 30th. We will announce the winner on October 1st.
343 industries,
halo 4,
Xbox 360
12:14 AM

Friday, August 31, 2012
Konami announces new title, Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes
At the MGS event in Tokyo yesterday, Konami announced a new installment for the Metal Gear Solid series - Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes. GameStop was there to witness the game, and reports that we will see quite a few changes to the series. We do not know what system the game will be released for, but Hideo Kojima, the man behind the MGS series, was playing the demo on a PC but with an Xbox 360 controller. Footage was also shown at the even, letting the audience see the games new FOX engine which hints at open-world gameplay. There is no information on a release date at this time. I will keep you updated as the information comes in.
metal gear solid: ground zeroes,
11:42 PM

Runic Games announces new Torchlight 2 release date
Many fans have been patiently waiting for the sequel of Torchlight, as Runic Games originally had planned for it to be released in 2011. That release date was pushed out to early 2012, and was delayed once again with very little to be said from the developers since then. This morning, Runic games announced Torchlight 2's official release date on the forums, which will be September 20th, 2012. They noted on the forum post that this should be the last release date, and let's hope for no more delays! Check out the trailer and some pictures after the break.
release dates,
runic games,
torchlight 2,
6:23 PM

Microsoft releases video of Halo 4 map called 'Exile'
Halo 4 is approaching us soon, and I'm sure every Xbox 360 player is very excited to see what is has to offer. Halo 4 will be the eighth installment in the Halo series, and the first one not created by Bungie. If you don't know, the company behind this installment, 343 Industries, is actually made up of a handful of ex-Bungie employees. Microsoft released a video earlier today showing us some 3vs Capture the Flag on one of the new maps called Exile.
Halo 4's official release date is November 6th, 2012.
Also check out the new trailer over at WebProNews
Square-Enix announces "Final Fantasy Collection" for the 25th Anniversary
- Final Fantasy I (Playstation)
- Final Fantasy II (Playstation)
- Final Fantasy III (Playstation Portable UMD)
- Final Fantasy IV (Playstation)
- Final Fantasy V (Playstation)
- Final Fantasy VI (Playstation)
- Final Fantasy VII (Playstation)
- Final Fantasy VIII (Playstation)
- Final Fantasy IX (Playstation)
- Final Fantasy X (Playstation 2)
- Final Fantasy XI Vana Del Collection 2 (Playstation 2)
- Final Fantasy XII (Playstation 2)
- Final Fantasy XIII (Playstation 3)
Along with those 13 amazing titles, there will be several extras included. They are listed below:
- Special anniversary video disc
- Two-disc anniversary music selection CD
- Crystal ArtWorks - an anniversary visual art collection
- Final Fantasy XIV Mogu Mogu earring item code
- Mini replica of Amano FF 25th Anniversary visual and stand
The Ultimate Collection can only be purchased from Square-Enix's E-Store. It's gonna cost you 35,000 yen to purchase this piece of gaming history.
final fantasy,
sony playstation,
ultimate box collection
2:56 PM

Wednesday, August 29, 2012
A look inside Gears of War: Judgement (free-for-all mode video inside!!)
Gears of War: Judgement's story gives us a new squad of heros, which is the called the Kilo Squad. The Kilo Squad is made up of four Gears: Lt. Damon Baird, Pvt. Augustus Cole (who we know as Cole Train), and two new characters, Pvt. Alonzo and Pvt. Dickson. We are told the story is based around the Kilo Squad being accused of treason after stealing government experimental weapons from Halvo Bay. There hasn't much more about the story mode released, but we will keep you updated as soon as we find out more.
One of the big announcements last week is the new mode that we get in GoW: Judgement. Gears is now implanting a free-for-all mode which we haven't seen in the previous installments. Most gears online multiplayer modes have some sort of team achievable goal, so you always have a team mate and never run as a lonewolf. Check out the video below to see more of the free-for-all game mode.
Continue checking back for more updates to come about Gears of War 3: Judgement.
gears of war: judgement,
Xbox 360
7:10 PM

Monday, August 27, 2012
Let's take a look at Animal Crossing: Jump Out
I've been a big fan of the Animal Crossing series since the first one on the Nintendo GameCube. Animal Crossing is a game where you create a town, meet your neighbors, and make bells (the in-game currency) doing random tasks. Sounds crazy, but the simplicity of it all is what really attracts people.
Nintendo released Animal Crossing: Wild World for the Nintendo DS almost seven years ago, making the first AC handheld port. In the past couple months there have been rumors about the next installment of the Animal Crossing, which Nintendo has announced it be for the Nintendo 3DS console, and is currently titled Animal Crossing: Jump Out.
Animal Crossing: Jump Out was first announce at E3 2011, where it received very positive reviews. While most of the previous Animal Crossings showed quite a few identical features, Jump Out brings in some newer things. It's rumored that for the first time, you can be the mayor of your town, and there are benches to sit on around the town. There are some graphical improvements also. The trees and the house are going to look more life-like, and all the characters are supposed to be more human shaped. It's confirmed the player will be able to swim as well.
Animal Crossing: Jump Out's release date is has been announced for release in the first half of 2013.
animal crossing: jump out,
nintendo 3DS,
7:48 AM

Sunday, August 26, 2012
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3D is almost here...
I'm sure everyone remembers playing Hasbro Interactive's Rollercoaster Tycoon series on the PC as a kid. I spent countless hours building my amusement park, trying to keep guests happy, and killing them on ride "accidents" when I wanted. Hasbro released three different games in the series, and also several expansion packs. Now over 13 years later since the first Rollercoaster Tycoon release, the series is getting it's first appearance on a handheld console, the Nintendo 3DS.
Atari announced last year that they would be releasing Rollercoaster Tycoon 3D for the Nintendo 3DS right around February 2012, but they missed that release date, and pushed it back another time after that. They have now announced that we should have the game hopefully in October 2012.

amusement park,
nintendo 3DS,
Rollercoaster Tycoon,
7:42 PM

Minecraft for XBLA receives "Skin Pack 2"
The XBLA title Minecraft received another downloadable add-on content this weekend, which contains 45 unique skins for your main character. The skin pack contains skins based off other video games (Gears of War 3, Left 4 Dead 2, and Castle Crashers). You can download the skin pack on the Xbox Live Marketplace for 160MSP.
skin packs,
2:54 PM

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